Partners & Donors
We would also like to thank all of our government and non-government partners, donors and individuals that has been contributing to biodiversity conservation in Indo-Myanmar hotspot.
Without your support, our works would not be possible!
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Vietnam Administration of Environment
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Vietnam Administration of Forestry
Biodiversity Conservation Agency
Forest Protection Department
Southern Institute of Ecology
Education for Nature – Vietnam
Central Institute for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies
Global Wildlife Conservation
Washington State University, USA
Wildlife Conservation Society – Vietnam Program
Cuc Phuong National Park
Turtle Conservation Centre
Pu Mat National Park
Lao Conservation Trust for Wildlife
Hanoi Wildlife Rescue Centre
American Association of Zoo Keepers
Bristol Zoo, UK
British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums, UK
British Chelonian Group, UK
British Herpetological Society, UK
Browse Poster, UK
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, USA
Conservation International
Columbus Zoo, USA
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund
Drayton Manor Park and Zoo, UK
Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund
Fondation Segré
General Motors Vietnam
Houston Zoo, USA
International Union for Conservation of Nature
IUCN Netherlands – Purchase of Nature
Munster Zoo, Germany
Nordens Ark, Sweden
Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Hong Kong
Paignton Zoo Environmental Park, UK
Paradise Park Zoo, UK
Rainforest Trust
Rotterdam Zoo, Netherlands
Rufford Small Grants for Conservation
Saint Louis Zoo, USA
Taronga Zoo, Australia
Thanh Truong Loc Construction Ltd. Company, Vietnam
The HDH Wills Wildlife Maintenance Trust
The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund
Thrigby Hall Conservation Fund
Turtle Conservation Fund, USA
Turtle Survival Alliance, USA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
World Land Trust, UK
Zoological Society of London, UK